Version 1.02: 1 New short story added!

Hello, everyone!
I hope all is going well, and that you spent a great holidays and New Year!

It's been some time, but the next story, Birds of the Salt Flat, is complete and released! It's a much more lighthearted story than the previous ones, so I hope it will be a bit of a breather between all the gloom. I also finished a new cover art for the project, and I'm pretty happy with how it looks!

I wanted to put very good care on this update so it comes with a few other things. Here's what it includes:

  • NEW STORY: Birds of the Salt Flat. Now with character movement! Sometimes!
  • A super short extra story: Instinct in Marble. (accessible after finishing Birds of the Salt Flat)
  • Finally, animated title screen! It was way easier to make once I figured out how.

Other small updates:

  • Font change
  • Fixed some typos I had missed
  • Reduced the weight of some files

With this new story, the development notes booklet has also been updated... by a lot! From 6 pages to... 24! Besides the content related to the new story, the PDF now includes character sheets and extra art for every story.

So far I think the new update should be compatible with previous save files, but there might be issues I have missed.
I considered adding a story unlock feature so the stories have to be played in a specific order, but until I know for sure everything works well, I prefer to let people read the stories in the order they want. If the order ends up more important later on, I'll try to implement it in a way that doesn't break the save files.

For the next story, I've got two plans:

  • One is to make the next planned story, Gifts from Mother, which will take a bit of a depressing tone again. This one is mostly written, but will probably need quite a volume of art.
  • The other is a special story I want to make for a specific day of this year. It doesn't have a final title yet, but it's related to one of my other released projects (hint!).

Depending on how things go, I'll release one first or the other, but I hope to finish both this year among all the other work I've got.

Before I focus on them, I'll take some time to work on the next update for cirrus, a game that has been waiting for it for a while. The juggling of projects never ends...!

Until then, see you next time!


Stories of the Dreaming World (1.02).exe 75 MB
60 days ago
Stories of the Dreaming World - Notes (1.02).pdf 59 MB
60 days ago

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(1 edit) (+1)


After updating my copy of the game, launching it gives the error "Unable to find VL Gothic font." The only fonts in the "Fonts" directory are four variants of Inria Sans and Lato Regular.

Is it possible this font was accidentally left out from the game files?

Hello! Thank you so much for letting me know!

I accidentally deleted it while cleaning up unused font files (there were a bunch more before from when I was testing new fonts). I updated the executable, so if I didn't miss anything else, it should work fine now! Sorry for the trouble, and hope you enjoy the update! :')

All good now. Can't wait to read the new story!